What Hang Tab Is Right for Your Retail Display?

Bulky packaging is unnecessary when it comes to hanging your products in neat and orderly product displays. The less material you use to hang you packages, the less money you’re going to have to spend on hanging supplies like hang tabs and display strips. The right hang tab means that you will be able to easily cross sell your products, increase your brand awareness, increase revenue through an increase in impulse buying, reduced cost for packaging, and reduced shelf space. At Do-It Corporation, we offer a wide variety of hang tabs, display strips, and other product display solutions!

  • Slot hang tabs are great for single or double wire pegs. They come in delta and Euro shaped holed to ensure your products will center themselves for easy loading.
  • Hook hang tabs are perfect for products that come in different colors, because the customer can easily move around the product and see all of the varieties available.
  • Round hole hang tabs are idea for lightweight items that are hung on one peg.
  • Fold up hang tabs can be ordered in the hook, hole, or slot style. They can be put on pre shipping and lay flat until hung up on a peg or strip.
  • Interior, security, and box top hang tabs will secure and seal your product’s packaging without blocking any of your branding or graphics.
  • Reinforcer hang tabs are the perfect amount of support for less sturdy packaging that is susceptible to tearing or breaking.
  • Heavy duty hang tabs are extremely strong and durable. They work extremely well with large, heavy, or oddly shaped products.
  • Cylinder hang tabs were designed to hang products with rounded or curved packaging.
  • FlexiTab hang tabs have a thick hole and thin adhesive area which makes it ideal for curved, uneven, or uniquely shaped packages.
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